From Blue Collar to Blue Business Suit: The Elevating Journey of a Would-Be Real Estate Agent

My journey into real estate began on March 17, 2020, a significant date due to the global pandemic that was unfolding. Prior to this, I had been working as a cable/satellite technician for over six years. I enjoyed the freedom and variety of my job, but everything changed when the world went into lockdown.

About a week into the shutdown, my supervisor informed me that we would be transitioning to remote work. I was given a computer and headset so that I could assist customers with TV and internet repairs over the telephone. Initially, I thought it would be an easy task guiding customers through simple troubleshooting steps. However, I quickly realized that I could not leave my seat until scheduled breaks and lost the freedom I once had.

One incident in particular stands out in my memory. It was mid-afternoon when a customer called in saying her television screen was blank. What should have been a quick fix turned into an hour-long call that pushed me beyond my allotted time limit. Frustrated, both the customer and myself eventually gave up, with her deciding to seek help from her son-in-law instead. Little did I know at the time that this would be my last day working in the cable/satellite industry.

After the phone call, I reached out  to my supervisor to let him know, I would be taking some time off. 

The experience of being confined to my apartment and having limited interaction with people made me reflect on what truly mattered to me in life. Realizing that there must be more fulfilling opportunities out there, I decided to explore other career options.

I found myself at a crossroads, unsure of what path to take. In my early forties, I didn’t want to go back to school but desired something that would offer the potential to earn the same level of income I was already making. I just needed some clarity on what that could be.

After carefully examining my finances, I realized that with my savings and retirement funds, I had enough to sustain myself for at least two years. With this newfound realization, I made an impulsive decision and called my supervisor to inform them of my resignation. However, I still had no idea what my next step would be.

To keep busy and get out of the apartment, I took up a gig delivering food. Surprisingly, it turned out to be quite lucrative, earning me around $1000 per week, probably because no one could go out to eat. But for the remaining hours in a day, which totaled twelve, I found myself taking long walks, binge-watching TV shows, and indulging in Chinese food.

Although uncertain about my future career path, everything changed during an evening conversation with my daughter through text messages. She shared pictures of her daughter while also revealing she was expecting another child. This brought things into perspective for me; it became clear that I needed a more fulfilling purpose in life.

Still unsure about what direction to take professionally and lacking any concrete plans or ideas, I continued binge-watching TV shows as a means of escape from reality. It was during this time that certain characters began resonating with me on a deeper level.

Shows like “Billions” featuring Damien Lewis showcased his business savvy and relentless personality – qualities that struck a chord within me. Another show called “Succession” fueled my desire for a career larger than myself – one that could positively impact not only my children’s lives but also generations beyond mine.

However, it was another show centered around three realtors in New York selling billions of dollars worth of real estate that truly inspired me. One particular realtor, Ryan, stood out as a Texan with undeniable confidence exuding through the TV screen. I wanted to become like him.

As I assessed my requirements for a new career, three factors emerged as essential: flexibility, autonomy, and the potential to earn as much money as my efforts allowed. Real estate seemed to encompass all these aspects perfectly. After all, how hard could the job of a real estate agent be? 

Join me on my real estate journey as we uncover the challenges, triumphs, and everything in between. Together, we will discover just how demanding and rewarding the life of a real estate agent can be. So buckle up and stay tuned to witness the twists and turns that await us along this exciting path. Follow me on my real estate journey to find out.