From Papyrus to Pixels:Interviewing the Blogger


Welcome to the first blog post of “Invictus Insiders: From Papyrus to Pixels”. In this series, we will embark on a journey through I time, exploring the evolution of communication and technology. Today, we have an exclusive interview with the blogger behind this captivating series. Join us as we delve into personal experiences that sparked curiosity and reflections on how far we’ve come in the world of technology.

Interviewer: So, let’s start with your recent encounter with a touchscreen computer. Could you share what happened?

Blogger: Absolutely! A few weeks ago, I purchased a desktop computer that was also equipped with a touchscreen feature. However, I couldn’t figure out how to make it work. Frustrated and assuming I received the wrong model, my six-year-old son came to my rescue.

Interviewer: That’s impressive! How did your son manage to solve the issue?

Blogger: It turns out that all I needed 

to do was put it in tablet mode for the touchscreen functionality. My son explained it effortlessly because they had been using similar devices at school. This incident got me thinking about how rapidly technology has advanced and how much younger generations are adapting faster than ever before.

Interviewer: Speaking of technological advancements, when was your first encounter with the Internet?

Blogger: My first exposure to the term “Internet” was back in 1996 while attending school. The library had limited access primarily for applying for college financial aid purposes. At that time, I didn’t fully grasp its potential or understand its significance.

Interviewer: Interesting! When did you start recognizing the Internet’s impact and possibilities?

Blogger: It wasn’t until a year later that I began comprehending its true power. One of my friends became one of the early adopters who had personal internet access at home. He showed me how you could look up anything on the Internet. This sparked my curiosity, especially as I was exploring topics like stock markets and learning about influential figures like Warren Buffett.

Interviewer: That’s fascinating! So, did your quest for knowledge lead to wealth?

Blogger: Well, while my initial aspirations of becoming a millionaire by 2025 may not have materialized yet, the Internet has opened doors to vast information and opportunities. It has revolutionized communication and become an essential tool in our lives.


In this interview, we’ve just scratched the surface of how technology has transformed our lives. From struggling with touchscreen computers to reflecting on the early days of the Internet, it’s clear that we are living in a world where communication is constantly evolving. Stay tuned for more captivating insights into “Invictus Insiders: From Papyrus to Pixels” as we uncover remarkable stories and examine the impact of technology throughout history.

Part 2..

Title: The Journey Begins: From Warren Buffett to MP3 Players


Welcome back to “Invictus Insiders: From Papyrus to Pixels”. In our last blog post, we discussed the early days of the Internet and my quest for knowledge about Warren Buffett. Today, we continue our journey as we dive into an unexpected encounter with technology that opened my eyes to the rapid advancements taking place.

As I arrived at my friend’s house, eager to learn about investing in stocks and building wealth, little did I know that another technological marvel awaited me.


Upon entering his home, I expressed my enthusiasm for learning about Warren Buffett. However, my friend had other plans before delving into the world of stock markets. He introduced me to something called an MP3 player – a term completely foreign to me at the time.

Curiosity piqued, I asked him what it was used for. As he explained that you could download music onto it and listen on your computer, I assumed it must be some sort of subscription-based service where artists were compensated for their work. But no, he shattered that assumption by telling me you could just download music for free.

The concept of downloading itself was new terminology for me. Suddenly, within a year’s time frame, words like “download,” “MP3,” and “Internet” became part of my vocabulary. Little did I know how significant these terms would become in shaping our future communications landscape.


As we attempted to download a song by Radiohead called “Creep,” it dawned on me how far we’ve come since 1997. Back then, downloading a single song took an excruciating three hours! A mere 5,000 kB file required such patience and anticipation.

Compare this experience with today’s world where songs can be downloaded onto our phones within seconds or streamed instantly from online platforms. It’s incredible to witness the remarkable progress we have made in such a short span of time.


The encounter with MP3 players and the realization of how long it took to download a single song served as a stark reminder of just how rapidly technology has advanced. The world of communication has transformed, bringing immense convenience and accessibility to our fingertips.

Join us in the next blog post of “Invictus Insiders: From Papyrus to Pixels” as we explore more intriguing tales that illustrate the evolution of communication from past to present. Stay tuned as we unravel the threads that connect us from papyrus to pixels.