Destined Teller of Tales. Creator of Worlds Unseen

Interviewer: Welcome, A. Jay F. Roy! It’s great to have you here. Let’s start with your journey as a new writer. What inspired you to transition from real estate to writing?

A. Jay: About a year ago, I started creating a board game called Cosmic Convergence. The inspiration came when my 6-year-old son wanted to play a board game with us, but it was for ages 13 and up. I promised him I’d create a game he could play. While developing the game, I realized the game cards needed engaging content, which led me to take creative writing courses. This journey sparked the creation of my story, “Echoes of Connection: A Modern Odyssey in a Digital Age.”

Interviewer: That’s fascinating! You’ve mentioned that you’ve connected your writing with the digital age and social media influence. How does this connection influence your work?

A. Jay: In “Echoes of Connection,” I explore how digital technology impacts genuine human connections. We’ve traded emojis for emotions and video calls for face-to-face interactions. My novels highlight how we often hide behind digital facades, losing the human touch.

Interviewer: Your short story, “The Adventures of Alex Midas: Hexll County Jail,” is a finalist in Amazon Kindle’s Vella Awards. How does that make you feel?

A. Jay: It’s an honor. Although the story hasn’t gained widespread attention yet, being a finalist is a significant achievement. It motivates me to continue writing more adventures for Alex Midas.

Interviewer: What was the most memorable part of writing your novel?

A. Jay: The personal experiences I went through while writing. Each passage, monologue, and chapter is tied to specific moments in my life. Writing became a way to navigate and process those experiences.

Interviewer: Many of your readers are curious about your writing process. As an untrained writer, what unique challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

A. Jay: Finding my writing style was challenging. I experimented with various styles before settling on descriptive writing with themes of choice and destiny. Over time, I’ve learned to refine my work and make it more enjoyable for readers.

Interviewer: Do you plan to share any behind-the-scenes insights or tips on how you managed to write your stories?

A. Jay: Yes, I plan to archive my notes and research, refine my manuscripts, and share insights on my writing process. I aim to make my future writings more digestible and engaging for readers.

Interviewer: Looking ahead, what are your future plans? Do you see yourself returning to real estate, or will you continue to focus on writing and expanding your fictional universe, “The Cosmic Classics”?

A. Jay: I plan to expand my fictional universe with new characters and stories, possibly incorporating them into my board game or even an animation. As for real estate, I do plan to return to it, as it provided the platform for my creative endeavors.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us, A. Jay. Any final thoughts or advice for aspiring writers?

A. Jay: Keep writing, no matter the challenges. Your unique voice and experiences are what make your stories special.

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