“Forever in Service: Honoring Veterans Past, Present, and Future”

In honor of Veterans Day, I want to take a moment to pay tribute to my beloved grandfather, Petty Officer First Class Cipriano Reyna Alfaro. He was not only my favorite veteran but also someone who held a special place in my heart. 

Enlisting in the United States Navy, my grandfather bravely served during the Korean War, specifically during the Third Korean Winter. His dedication and commitment led him to serve until 1959. While he had dreams of a long-lasting career in the Navy, his love for Anita, the woman who captured his heart, brought him back home to Texas after their third child was born.

Upon returning to Texas, he embarked on various job opportunities until finding his true calling at a San Antonio glass company. There, affectionately known as “Shorty” by his coworkers, he formed lifelong friendships that would stand the test of time. It was during this period that he even gained a son-in-law while working at Samuels Glass.

My grandfather embodied the hardworking spirit of men from his generation. He never complained as he tirelessly raised ten children alongside my grandmother. To me and many of his grandchildren, they were exactly what loving grandparents should be – always making an effort and showering us with unconditional love while providing discipline when needed.

They made it their mission to ensure we felt cherished and valued. Whether it was taking us on trips to the circus or wrestling matches or giving us Saturday morning haircuts like mine, they constantly made us feel special. I was fortunate enough to have him by my side throughout every stage of life – from childhood and adolescence into my late twenties.

During those later years together, our bond grew stronger as he began sharing stories about his childhood and significant events that shaped him into the remarkable person he was. He expressed how much joy it brought him to do things for his grandchildren until we eventually grew too numerous for him to keep up with individually.

His wisdom and guidance continue to resonate with me to this day. He taught me the importance of recognizing and appreciating the beauty in every woman, treating them with utmost respect. He emphasized that it was not enough to merely tell someone they are beautiful but also to explain why they possess such beauty. Furthermore, he instilled in me the value of placing your loved one on a pedestal and keeping them there, just as he did for my grandmother whom he affectionately referred to as “Mi Reyna” (my queen) until his final days.

As we reflect on Veterans Day, let us not only honor our veterans’ service to our country but also acknowledge their contributions to communities, friendships, and families. Among the young veterans today, there are undoubtedly future Cipriano and Anita Alfaro’s who will be remembered by those who love them dearly. They will be celebrated not only for their sacrifices in defending and loving our nation but also for their unwavering love and commitment towards family.

So on this Veterans Day, I extend my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to all who have served. Thank you for your selflessness, dedication, and unwavering commitment. Happy Veterans Day